
The Blanch Blog

Top 5 Notorious Women Criminals

In celebration of women, let’s take a look at the five most notorious criminals who also happen to be ladies: 5) Patty Hearst – She pops up everywhere. A famous

What is Sexual Assault?

When a video was released this year showing a presidential candidate describing various physical acts he undertook concerning women, there were several conversations on the regular media cycle as well

Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need to hire an attorney for a simple crime, especially if I plan to plead guilty? In criminal matters, you should always at least speak with an

Kidnapping – the most publicized crime?

In the United States, most jurisdictions define kidnapping as the abduction or unlawful transportation of someone. Kidnapping can actually occur if someone transports a victim even to another room or

Assault vs Battery – what’s the difference?

Most people have heard of assault – usually simultaneously with battery (assault and battery). However, these are two distinct crimes that can be charged separately. Assault can most easily be

How do I appeal a criminal charge?

When the verdict and sentenced are handed down on a defendant after their criminal appeal, you might think that they are shipped off to their respective prison cell, left alone

The Collateral Damage of a Conviction

Getting convicted of a crime is terrible, in general. You have a criminal record. You might go to jail. You’ll probably owe a lot of money in court costs, attorney’s